Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dick Cheney is so evil...

I used all my good material over at the 3Bulls thread. In a related story, gmail just updated/upgraded to allow gmail chatting. This may be the worst idea ever. Now, I can see when everybody is checking their email and hassle the hell out of them. What a terrible idea. That is almost as bad an idea as hunting with your eyes closed.


teh l4m3 said...

I shudder to think. This will doubtless be almost as bad as Friendster chat.

Anonymous said...

Heart attack! If this gentleman passes away will that scum bag be charged with homicide?

Chuckles said...

No at most it will be labeled accidental death. Do you think these bastards will be tried for murder for turning a blind eye to the 9/11 preparations?

Lindsey said...

The whole thing is completely stupid. I can't believe that on top of everything he's getting a ticket for not having the proper hunting license for game birds.

Chuckles said...

I agree with you, Linny. Why would anyone need a license to shoot some birds as they walk out of their cage for the first time? Who needs a gun? Why need just beat them with a stick or strangle them?

Anonymous said...

I don't mind hunters per se. Hunters who hunt at game farms are super lame.

Anonymous said...

tut tut... what will the NSA think of this post, chuckles?

Chuckles said...

NSA can suck my balls, bitchez!

fulsome said...

Can I have your couch after the black vans take you away?

Chuckles said...

I don't own a couch, but you can have my chairs and stuff. I would leave you my computer, but I am quite certain they will take that as well.

Anonymous said...

Come on Fulsome, we know he doesn't have a couch. We thought you doods were friends. :)

Chuckles said...

It was a guy thing, AG, you wouldn't understand. He is obligated by the code to ask for my coach in a situation like that. Just like I am obligated to fly out and remove all traces of pr0n from his computer and apartment in the event of his untimely and, hopefully, unlikely death.

Anonymous said...

He might have porn, but ya got nothing. You are the big V and there's nothing wrong with being honest.

Chuckles said...

The big V?