Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Apparently I Don't Suck, Part 1

I took some decent photographs on Monday. They were all in focus and not backwards and upside down at all, like my usual attempts to collect visual logs of my excursions.


Lindsey said...

Flowers.... :0)

Why Chuckles...I didn't know you had it in you.

teh l4m3 said...

But you can only get it in him when you use astroglide.

Ha, ha! VEry pretty, chuckles.

Smartypants said...

I really like the middle one.

Nice! = )

Anonymous said...

Nice flowers, you girl!

Teh, these kind of comments are why I love you in your teh gay way.

Chuckles said...

There is another one of the paphiliosomethinglatin on the camera that isn't shiny. These were all taken in the green house on the National Mall in DC. They are having an Orchid exhibit and a lot are from those displays, but all of these are from the regular rooms, I think.

Anonymous said...

Nah, they're all from special exhibits. And its Paphiopedalum. The non-shiny one is pretty dark, perhpas I'll mail it tonight.

Chuckles said...

I beg to differ, honky. The top is from the back of that jungley room on the right side of the building. I thought those had been there for a while. I could be wrong.

Mostly, I just wanted to say honky.