Thursday, February 02, 2006


CAKE is one of the last great pop bands, and something for which I devote a lot of time. There is a need for good pop stars, literate ones at that, and no one can hold CAKE's jockstrap when it comes to witty reparte.

I also love the fact that CAKE has continually grown musically, something most people avoid til no one's buying their records and they release the obligatory "look - here's our Neil Young/Dylan record because we're mature now." Not a single one of CAKE's records, for better or worse, sound the same.

The same can also be said of Smashmouth. Those guys are awesome and totally innovative, in terms of indie music they lead the pack of all those wannabes like Belle and Sebastian. I can't think of even one indie group out today that hasn't been influenced by the awesomeness that is Smashmouth. When I listen to Architecture in Helsinki's album, In Case We Die, I can hear Smashmouth coming through. I am continually amazed by the musical range of sounds Smashmouth has mastered.


teh l4m3 said...

See now, this is why pop ren never comes to my blog any more. Guilt by association.

Oh, and I've never heard of those smashmouth fellows (thanks for the tip!), but you know who I think is going places? No Doubt. I know, I know, they're kind of obscure, but those kids have a great future ahead of them -- especially that Gwen Buttafuoco, or whatever her name is.

teh l4m3 said...

Are you high?

Chuckles said...

I can't stop laughing at myself since I wrote this.

*SLAP!* Pop Ren just got it in the FACE!

Anonymous said...

Chuckles, you really outta stop posting things I agree with.

Cake is the only band I like to listen to while jogging -Ben Folds is the other guy, but he's not a band.


Chuckles said...

I was totally sober when I posted it. Now I am a little drunk from the wine I had leftover from cooking dinner.

I am completely cracking myself up with this post.

Chuckles said...

OK, clearly the intent of these last few posts just flew over your head like a satellite in orbit. I think CAKE and Smashmouth are pretty much the exact opposite of what I said.

CAKE is alright, if you like buying CDs full of the same goddam song on every track.

Anonymous said...

No really, I like to jog to Cake. I'm sorry I have not recognized your sarcasm (aka, sense of humour), yet. That will come with time. (And yes, I was wondering why you thought every album sounded different, but I still agreed with you on them being a cool band -but you don't really think them all that cool, do you. And Smashmouth, okay...I should have picked up on that one, but I thought, "hey, if he likes them then good for him.")

Cake may not be the best band, but they still rock. (Fashion Nugget is the album I like best.)

Are you put out that I am still around? I had decided that I should do more than just comment on things I disagree with you on. I thought perhaps I could find a common ground between us, however, if that bothers you than I can just stick around and be your token conservative who only comments on things we disagree on (but that's not really any fun).


Chuckles said...

You are lot more honest than Rosemary the Queen of All Inconsistencies. You only make consistent claims of your beliefs, even if I think that some of them are inconsistent. Besides, if the only people reading this were people who agreed with me, I would just think I was much smarter than I already am.

I think CAKE is ok to download, but I think all of their songs are exactly the same. And Smashmouth is probably used by Satan to torture people like Janis Joplin.

teh l4m3 said...

You're assuming Janis Joplin is in hell. For some reason I doubt it.

Oh, and I must confess, I like baking cake to the Joggers.

Chuckles said...

I just pulled a name out of my hat. I like caking to the Smiths.

pop renaissance said...

cake is quite possibly the best reason to stick a pencil in your ear and permanently ruin your hearing, thereby ensuring that you can never hear it again.

that dude is neither a genius, ironic, or clever - just a shitty singer and songwriter.

Anonymous said...

Pop, you are on fire! I totally agree with you, but for very differnt reasons that I shalln't go on about here.

Chuckles said...

Isn't this the funniest goddam thing? I have been laughing ridiculously hard ever since I saw your original comment, PopRen. As soon as I saw your opinion of Morrissey, I knew I had to take it and twist it with CAKE, the most repetitive band known today.

Anonymous said...

Well geez, I know they are no Britney Spears, but come on.


Chuckles said...

I heard that the Britney Spearsatron 9000 broke down and will not be returning to service.

teh l4m3 said...

Oh yeah? Well *I* heard that she was killed and then replaced by the morphing Christina "T-1000" Aguilera.

Chuckles said...

Crap, where's a pit of molten iron when you need to get rid of a genie in a bottle?

Has the Aguilerabot completely given up? Thank freaking god.

Now, if I could just get Hilary Duffy to go the way of Patrick Duffy and Lindsey Lohan to move in with me and put on the pounds she lost...