Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Work is Pretty Cool Sometimes...

So maybe I am settling in to my pod, but work is pretty cool right now. All three of my bosses have left for the read over at the other office and I won't see them until tomorrow, I have the window open all the way, the tunes all the way up, it is almost sixty degrees outside and I am blazing through my work while still blogging a little. If I had a fine Cuban cigar and some hooch, we could call this awesome.

In other words, EAT IT COBAGZ!1!! MY GOB ROOLZ!

As an updatey type thing, I googled "Someone relaxing" for a photo to really rub it in and my college came up as the third hit. How totally appropriate, given the experience of this genius then and now.


Anonymous said...

It's actually really nice out where I'm at also. A nice 60 degrees. Like you, the windows are open and everyone is enjoying the day. (Would this be the part where I say, "EAT IT LIBBAGS! MY LIFE ROOLZ!" Just curious since you posted that about your good day at work. Perhaps you already addressed this, but what does having a good day at work have to do with cobags?) I guess that means your snowman is no more.

Holyjoshephine, it's a nice day. I think I'll go jogging while listening to CAKE, then bake a cake while listening to the Joggers.


Chuckles said...

I just wanted to rub my easy life in the face of everyone I know in the cube farms. I am an assistant and I have my own office!

My bros are project managers and they still work in the land of cubes.

Anonymous said...

I have my own office, cupcakes. So you got nothing!

Chuckles said...

Oh yeah? I got free health care, dental, vision and life insurance! Whachoo got now?

Anonymous said...

You're quite the catch Chuckles. How is it an assistant with his own office and all those benefits still single?



Chuckles said...

Never said I wasn't, never said I was.

Perhaps the reason is that the internet allows some people room to really release certain aspects they would never display in public. For me, I pretty much am the way I am here. This is a hard life, the life of the Genius, not everyone can hack it and not everyone can be with the man or woman that lives it. It's a lonely road.

Anonymous said...

i see canuck misses the meaning of cobag. that's a pretty cobaggy thing to do, isn;t it?

Anonymous said...

AI, is a cobag not someone who is conservative? Is there a deeper meaning than that? The only time I've heard the term is on this blog (not saying it's the ONLY blog to use it).

Chuckles: haha!


Chuckles said...

Cobag is a shortened form of the medical item known as a colostomy bag. Pretty much a neutral insult in terms of slurs, but who wants to be abag full of shit? Anyway, the term was first used and created by Pinko Punko over at 3Bulls.

Anonymous said...

Just go to and look it up. Pick up a few other slang terms for free while you are there.


Chuckles said...

Can I get a ruling? Is canuck hitting on me?

What is it with chicks and bloggers?

Anonymous said...

Ewww! I just had to ask.

Thanks AG.

And Chuckles, well...I'll just give you a wink and let you think about it.


(really, it's just friendly banter.)


Chuckles said...

This just got odd.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

First off, we're women, Chuckie. Chicks are barnyard animals. You are just sad, my man.

Secondly, Canuck is not flirting with you. If you weren't so sad AND tragic you could tell the difference between friendship and flirting.

Anytime Canuck. I have a fair amount of useless sites in my head that I am willing to share. :)

P.S. Chuckles, I am not flirting with Canuck above.

Chuckles said...

Oh, yes you are.

Chuckles said...

How did you guess?

Anonymous said...

Someone's been sniffing glue at work again. That and putting on his glitter and lipstick at lunch time.

Anonymous said...

welcome to club cobag, canuck!

Anonymous said...

