Monday, February 13, 2006

Sunday Morning Coming Down

So I woke up and discovered to my apathetic reaction that we had indeed received close to fourteen inches of snow. That is pretty amazing for DC and I hauled my ass out of bed and the mancave before 10:45 to take a walk. I ventured as far as the field on the other side of the creek. Thereupon, I found some children and their father making a snowman. I thought to myself that I should not waste my day and as the power was out in the mancave and it was a fairly warm day, I could make a bigger and cooler snowman than those kids. A mood loves nothing better than making some little snot feel like crap, so I started rolling a base. Then I remembered someone I had not thought of for a while and my snowman turned into two snowmen and they were both ABOMINABLE MUTANT KILLER SNOWMEN FROM MARS!


fulsome said...

no pics yet

Chuckles said...

Yeah, thanks, I can see that. I had to shovel the effing walk at work before it refroze and I heard no end of goddam grief.

I have decided to try a new tactic. Delete the whole effing thing, firebomb the car outside and melt its car alarm and then start over.

if i can just get the whole stupid go here to see the rest of the post to work and show the pics, then I will have won this battle.

Chuckles said...

yeah, so fullpost crapola is not behaving the way I think it does or what not. I have now exhausted my Hypercard trouble shooting. I have maneuvered the effing posts and spans and fuckall around and triple checked my syntax and shit. I 3as only trying to do that whole crap who the two people overseas who read this anyway. They can hate all they want now.

Chuckles said...


Blogger won't let me pos the other two pics so they'll have to wait until tomorrow.

teh l4m3 said...

Hey chuckles did you know your pics suck ass? Ha ha ha.

Anyway, except for the mancave part, this post was sooo Sylvia-Plath-in-a-London-winter.

Who says global warming ain't happening, anyway?

Chuckles said...

The part I find really interesting is the way blogger just inserts bizarre crap into the background. Where the hell did that noise come from?

Click the damn pics, bitch. They are from my craptacular camera phone, so bite it hard.

Lindsey said...

I so wish it had really snowed here. We basically got nada. Just a little dusting that didn't even stick to the street. I was sooooo disappointed.

Chuckles said...

At least you had power. It got pretty damn cold in the mancave. There was warm water for a while, but a second day of black out would have been extremely cold and I would have been showering at work this morning. 300,000 people lost power in the Metro area. I think most were in my area.

teh l4m3 said...

Hee hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would you be responsible for shoveling at work?

Chuckles said...

I am responsible for the because I work in an office of six people and everyone else is older that 50 years old.

Anonymous said...

Did the kids stick around long enough to see your snowman/men?


Anonymous said...

That hardly makes you responsible. That's total BS! Do you work for a non profit?

Chuckles said...

AG: Technically it is a non-profit, but that is only because we break even or less every year. That is partially due to the super sweet benefits we get and partially because we publish a magazine and won't accept money from pharmaceutical companies. I bring the average office age down by 17 years and the average office IQ up by an equivalent amount.

canuck: the kids remarked on them, I heard the words 'look! that one has two heads' but they did not come near before I left. I will go by tonight to see if they are still around in some form.

Anonymous said...

Don't dis pharma. It has its over-priced purpose.

A magazine? Hmmm... Lampoons?

Chuckles said...


There is one arena where pharma has been behaving extremey badly and if you can guess what that is, I will send you some autogrpahed copies of my mag.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, I can name a few:

1. Following GCPs, GLPs and GMPs.
2. The 90/10 Gap.
3. Prices and the disadvantage it causes to affordable healthcare.
4. Pollution of the enviroment.
5. Following only the bare minimum of GCPs, GLPs and GMPs.
6. They get universities to do their research and develpment on tax pay dollars, buy the product from the universities, get more tax dollars and write offs to bring it to market and then fork the public in retail prices.
7. Lying about the true cost of R and D.
8. Mistreatment or ignoring of Africa. The drugs it does sell or send, almost half result in crime and end up on the black market.
9. Bastardization of other countries in pursuit of cheap R and D endeavors.
10. Instead of curing disease, hook people on medications for life to prolong profits and sometimes life.

There is so many things and so little time.

Chuckles said...

OK, I was referring to psychiatry, so no autogrpahs for AG!

Anonymous said...

Psychiatry is a whole other can of worms issue. Drugs are reviewed very differently, though the NDA goes to the same place for those. You needed to clarify that so I could have answered. I want a do-over because you didn't add a full disclaimer.

Chuckles said...

Disclaimer, schmisclaimer!


Anonymous said...

You cheated so it doesn't bother me, George Bush!

Chuckles said...

I did not cheat. I gave you wide parameters and you blew it. Just accept responsibility instead of trying to blame everyone else. Blamer.