I may not understand or entirely give a shit about the past, current and future blogspheric bruhahas, but I do end up reading about them through secondary sources. The internets are such a wonderful place, but they move at a pace which I am not inclined to match. I do not read all the blogs I should, given my political leanings, nor do I read all the ones I detest even if it could bolster my humorous postings. I just don't have time for all this crap. Between my jobs, my World of Warcraft account, my pathetic attempts at dating and the inevitably ensuing perusals of pornography, I manage to read only the sites I link on this page. As an aside, if I haven't linked you yet, it is merely because I am a lazy turd. (Looking at you, almostinfamous)
So, if I don't seem appropriately enraged by some person's use of another person's bad word, don't take it as anything less than me not giving a shit. Frankly, I feel that everytime one of these incidents comes along, it is time for me to check out. I might as well tilt at the windmills in my mind as leave a comment in the hordes that result.
Maybe it is a bad day for feminism/homo-nups/gay rights/straight rights/politics/transformers/nanolathes/whatever, it still doesn't matter a whole lot to me. I don't know where I am anymore. I used to think I was on some parallel track to the rest of the goddam universe. There was a time when I thought my vector was entirely perpendicular and was conviced everything about me would end in a fiery collision. My efforts to speed that collision notwithstanding, I have no clue about anything. I know that I am drifting but know not my speed or vector.
Some days, I wake up and convince myself that tonight will be the night I buy some dope off everyone in my bulding and just tell everything to fuck off for the rest of my life. Other days, I wake up telling myself that this wiil be the day I get the raise I deserve and my bosses will finally admit that I am fucking worth it. Most days, I don't know which fantasy is sadder.
All I know anymore is that I seem to have moved to some place beyond schadenfreude and into, I dunno, apathyfreude? wangenfreude? Winter?
Oh, and about the picture? First one in a Google Image search for schadenfreude that made sense.
We still love you. From behind.
Are you doing it?
Yes, I am doing it harder than it has ever been done before.
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