Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tarantula Tuesday: Anybody have a cricket problem?

I am a happy tarantula father. First, on eBaum's World, I saw a tarantula of the same species that I own, kill and begin eating a mouse. You can find it under the extreme videos section here. So, I thought that was cool, because it means that I could maybe get some mice for my guard tarantula, Helob. Although, I don't think that girls will find me any cooler if I tell them about that.

Anyway, this morning I woke up and exercised and shit. I went to check on Helob to make sure he still had water and a cricket left and he was standing on the tips of his legs(toes?) and eating the last cricket! I had turned on the light to get a good look at his dish and he looked really surprised, sorta like a deer in headlights or a roommate caught looking at porn on your computer.

So now I need to find a new source of basement crickets because that was the last one and my parent's house is now someone else's house. Although, I do still have a key...


Anonymous said...

You are as tragic as the people who never bother to email me all year long and then send some cheap photo attached to an even cheaper holiday card via US Mail of their ugly mutant children.


teh l4m3 said...

I have a cricket problem, but I believe you may be to far away -- besides, I don't want to run around catching them. I've got a job.

Also, be careful about where you get your crickets (the pet food store is best), because some carry trace amounts of pesticides that other people have sprayed and that can harm your Helob.

Chuckles said...

Yeah, I heard about the pesticide thing. As long as people aren't spraying and don't spill laundry soap left adn right, I figure I am doing alright. I am not buying anymore of those chirping bastards again.

AG: Why I am so tragic? Haveyou been talking to fulsome behind my back?

Anonymous said...

Fulsome himself gives tragic a whole new meaning. Fulsome is on my shit list. He is such a little cobag sometimes.

You called yourself a "dad" to a pet. That's too soccer mom like for me, cupcakes.

Chuckles said...

OK, allow me to explain a little bit here. I guess I am not being sarcastic enough for these posts. These posts about my tarantula are supposed to be subtly ripping on those borons who post cute, lame shit about their pets and babies and never speak on anything substantial.

I guess fulsome and I have a strange sense of humor, but whatever.

Lindsey said...

Yuck! I can't deal with that kind of stuff...

Chuckles said...

By the by, teh, you are the only person to correctly spell or say his name so far.

Anonymous said...

Well, I also faced this cricket problem in my house, and it troubled me and all the people in my house a lot. That is why I called my friend for pest control to get rid of this problem. But after that, we were not able to live in our house for few days because of the after-effects of pest control. So I have hired british essay writing UK-based services online to get done with my pending essays. But when we got back to our home, all the cricket issues got resolved.