Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Oleki Bango Says: Launch the KITTY MISSILES!

It looks like 3Bulls! aren't the only ones with access to Weapons of Cute Devastation!


Look at the itty bitty kitty hitty!


Uh oh, those bastard bulls are no longer the sole wielders of the dreaded cat-in-a-sink warhead!

Too bad for the bulls, I have developed a Multiple Impact Reentry Vehicle Warhead Cat-In-A-Sink Cutelear Missile!


Anonymous said...

Great Blog you have here Chuckles. This post on "Oleki Bango Says: Launch the KITTY MISSILES!" is interesting. I've bookmarked your blog so I can come back latr and see how things are progressing.

Hey, I've got a site on work at home careers. If you're interested come have a look sometime.


fulsome said...

What do you do to get all this wonderful spam? We doon't seem to get much anymore at WRN, of course I'm sure I just jinxed it.

Also, dude, seriously, Aristotle? Cause Rorty makes a lot more sense than Aristotle I think. The mean is such a tricky thing...everyone knows to prefer the median (that joke's for you, PP)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Bradford is single and straight.

Chuckles said...

Why are you looking to dump both me and the OC, uhh I mean, UC.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog you have here Chuckles. This post on "Oleki Bando Says: Launch the KITTY MISSILES!" is interesting. I've got a few missiles of my own I'd like to launch.

Will you provide the lillypad soft landing for my launch?

Anonymous said...

No Chuckie, I just like a free dinner now and again and afterwards, totally riping the guy to my friends. Bradford seems like just that kind of guy with kitty missles.

Chuckles said...

Seriously, what the fuck? Did the guy actually come by here again?

I bet it was one of you!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me after the night I had. Maybe he likes you, sweet pea...

See what you get for the stupid war on cute. Goddammit! I am beginning to miss the alpha male ways of big Bri, the cobag extraordinaire! Oh wait, no I am not!

Chuckles said...

I'll give you alpha male in second if you don't get dinner on the table toot sweet!

Chuckles said...

Speaking of alpha males, I can't go to your blog for a while at work anymore. If I weren't the only person in my office with IT skills I would be having a serious discussion with my supervisor right now...about nudie pictures and stuff, you dirty girl, you.

Anonymous said...

Whatever! Those boys are way worse than me. I had Jon Stewart and his love sack. They got those boys who have turned me off men, FOR LIFE.

If you want dinner, get it your own damn self. You know where the phone is and the number for the pizzeria.


Chuckles said...

The Jon Stewart photo was funny, but that doesn't let you off the hook for the diner snafu. I'll have the lemon chicken and steamed dumplings. If you want dinner before 10, you better get on the phone, babe.

Anonymous said...

These hands went to the finest liberal arts school that an academic scholarship can purchase. Followed by the most deep pocket medical school education I could get at an Ivy League. So you know what cupcake, take your little Wisconsin educated index finger and dial up, bitch!

Home girl ain't no Betty Mother Fuckin' Crocker...

P.S. Put the seat down and clean the bowl (like Alice or Hazel would) while you are in there.

Anonymous said...


Chuckles said...

I don't trust Betty Crocker. Duncan Hines told me she was a conniving, two-timing bitch.

pop renaissance said...

all you bitches need to go to my blog and see the TRUE meaning of cathood.

Anonymous said...

Duncan Hines is an undersexed jerk off!

Chuckles said...

Betty Crocker marries men for love or so she says and then divorces their asses to take all the man's recipes!

That's what Duncan told me so it must be true because brownies never lie!

Anonymous said...

Men don't have recipes. They have secret grilling cults and microwaving talents. Except the metrosexuals, like Uncanny, who kugel everything.

And fuck you for being on teh's secret, but no longer so secret, blog lover list!

Fuck you, indeed!

Chuckles said...

What can I say? I am one sweet piece of ass.

The UC exercises his kegels? I thought only women could do kegel exercises.

Anonymous said...

You be nice to my UC! New beefies for you on RoD, young man.

Anonymous said...

Right, instead they put guns on cakes.

Chuckles said...

Clearly, this is not a blog that relies solely on politics for conversation.

I guess with your crusade to bring stupidity to the far corners of the globe, you may have missed that.
