Friday, December 16, 2005


My entry: "Sex Ed got a little more interesting when the Biology department took over from the gym teacher."


teh l4m3 said...

"Ah, that was great...Wanna go bathe a duck?"

Anonymous said...

Girl Monkey: Do you think that Marie will like this color of nail polish?

Boy Monkey: You hush, I am trying to think about Fulsome and his sweet ass.

Chuckles said...

I was going to remove the spam, but I decided to leave it in because I don't want anyone thinking I am moderating comments like the bozons over at the conservative sites. Too bad it is such a long one.

Now there's something you don't hear every day!

Anonymous said...

Goddammit! I am so over spam and the Republicans. Can I just have one day of peace? Please!

Chuckles said...

Is that your new caption?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

No, that's my new personal slogan.


Chuckles said...


teh l4m3 said...

Actually, I could totally see the male primate giving that little spiel to his sexual partner. Very hot.

Chuckles said...

yeah, the part about:
Can I just have one day of peace, please?

Really fits.

Anonymous said...

Please, he's not going down on her or anything challenging like that. Sorry teh. We have to talk hetero for a moment here. And so what if he is, you want a woman to boink, you gotta do it!

Chuckles said...

I was just thinking the same thing, if you want a guy to have wild sex with you, then you gotta go down on him. You gotta sweet talk him into it, make him want you.

I could be wrong about that though. I am not really in touch with the average male, being a Genius and all.

Anonymous said...

Honey, you KNOW what I meant!

Post some god damn new material. I wrote my manuscript already today and that means all I got left is writing a letter to my homeowners association and playing stick man until I go home at 4 PM!

Chuckles said...

Can I have your job?

As of 5pm today, I will be the only one in the office with any work due before the new year. It is about four days work, I was given it yesterday and it is due this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Baby, I love my job. I put in my 80 plus hours a week back in the day to get here.

Sorry about the work load. Isn't that why you freelance, to get paid by the hour. No free care, as I used to call it...