Saturday, February 14, 2009

If You Aren't Reading This Comic, You're a Cobag

I am the very model of a modern Gungun General,
I've information vegetable, dinosaur, and mineral;
I know the Queens of Naboo, and I led the fights historical,
From Tatooine to Coruscant, in order categorical.

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters Senatorial;
I understand accoutrements, both simple and sartorial,
Regarding eating humans I am teeming with a lot o' news -
With many cheerful facts about the flavour of those nice Naboos.

Yes, I know this is a joke about a musical. I can appreciate that other people might not share my views, and I can even change mine on occasion. This is not one of them however, as I still find most musicals to be brain-melting.


Námo Mandos said...

I feel the same way about most webcomics, so we're even!

Anonymous said...

I feel that way about most blogs, so we're even!

Chuckles said...


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Dr. Horrible is pretty good for a musical.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

That comic, though, makes me happy I spent my teen years getting fucked up and trying to get laid rather than role-playing.....

Brando said...

But now I role-play when I get laid! My dungeon master can be pretty tough, too.

Chuckles said...

Who's got two thumbs and no prospects?

*Points thumbs at self*

Anonymous said...

i sat and read the whole archive last night. now i shall forget about it for another few months...

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Who you calling cobag, cobag?