I received these images from one of my brothers and an associate in consumption. Be warned that the images you are about to view are delicious in the extreme and may result in the sudden craving of 44 inch diameter doughnuts or fractal fritters.

I think I just ate 1500 calories by looking at these photos. Time to hit the gym. And by gym, I mean comfy chair and Battlestar Galactica season 4 DVDs.
that looks familiar!
and he didn't even stop to say hello?
Why is AG a hata?
Think of how healthy we could be if we could exercise by watching BSG in a comfy chair. Our scientists should be working on that.
Our scientists could also work on harnessing AG's hate as a clean, renewable energy source.
Brando, Bob's is like 2006. AG is over it. There are newer and better finds.
It's a total Genius family thing --always late on the scene acting like they are the first to be there.
You remember how late he was for the Simpsons movie, don't you?!! Dude took like three hours to meet-up for Superdawg is what I heard.
I was actually on time for the movie...as for being late to meet up before for Superdawg, well, someone else had the idea of not being clear on where to meet and then waiting below cell range. I was on time at the station, but couldn't find UC, nor could I reach him on the phone, because he had descended into the underworld of Chicago.
I don't think you get it, AG. A donut is a fucking donut. A donut is timeless. There isn't a timeframe associated with a donut.
It's clear you don't live in SF. If you did, you would understand that anything open at 2 am (especially a donut shop) is worth patronizing. Even Sparky's is good for something.
There was and is no effort made to act like we were first on the scene. We were at a party. We got hungry and stopped for donuts. We thought you would appreciate the kind reminder of yummy, donutty goodness.
Don't hate the donuts!
Let's not forget the fractal fritters and the little cartons of milk.
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