Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Untitled Onion Movie

Holy Crap. The next Michael Ironsides, Nick Chinlund, is due to star in The Untitled Onion Movie allegedly due out this year. Two things are important in that sentence. The first is that I have declared Nick Chinlund to be the man who will fill Michael Ironsides' shoes in the future. The second is that there is going to be an Onion movie. What the hell. That will either be comedic gold or an utter failure. I can't wait to read The Onion AV Club's review of that.


Lindsey said...

LOL. Spinster Central? LOL. Oh lord. Makes me sound truly pathetic. Oh well. Hopefully I'll be getting some action soon and I can change the title. :0)

Jenny said...

There's going to be a Darwin Awards movie too, though I have to say from the description it sounds pretty crap. I like the look of Nacho Libre a bit better. 8-)

Chuckles said...

Jack Black is pretty hit or miss with me. No, wait he is actually more of a complete miss in my eyes. My lying eyes.

They match my cheating heart. Except that I never lie or cheat.

teh l4m3 said...

Who is Nick Chinlund and why should I care?

Smartypants said...

Nick Chinlund. Sounds a little like a p*rn name.

Chuckles said...

You would recognize him if you see him. He was in The Chronicle of Riddick and Ultraviolet.

teh l4m3 said...

Oh, was he that embarrassingly D&Desque character in Chronicles of Riddick, and also with Rohan in LotR?

Chuckles said...

No no no. That's Karl Urban, the hero of the Doom movie and The Truth about Demons, which I highly recommend. Nick Chinlund was the bounty hunter.

teh l4m3 said...