Friday, March 03, 2006


I've only been saying this since 2003 or so. I am glad that at least one person is speaking up with me. This is from the comments at Calling All Wingnuts.

Steven M Mar 3rd, 2006 at 9:45 am

Stop using the term “Pro-Lifer.” It is misleading at best and it is people like O’Reilly’s term. Most of those who call themselves “Pro-life” are in favor of the death penalty so it is completely false. The proper term for these people is “Anti-abortionist” and it is important to the neurolinguistic and framing of progressive’s arguments to use our accurate terms, not their made up ones.

Some Examples:
Late term abortion NOT Partial birth abortion
Inheritance tax NOT Death tax
Conservative Corporate Media NOT Liberal media

Read George Lakoff for a better understanding. We have to stop shooting ourselves in the collective foot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


(Preaching to the choir).