Friday, January 06, 2006

Descartes, Astrophysics and the Bible

Descartes was a very smart man. He was a devout Christian and a mathematician. He was so devout he made a coherent attempt to prove the existence of God through logic. Descartes was smarter than me and I will now borrow some of his arguments.

Given that God is all good and all truth. Given that we have proof that there are other planets in the solar system. We have proof of other planets in systems beyond our own.

If all three of these items are true, then how is the Bible, supposedly the word of God, even remotely close to the truth? God is not a deceptive being. Deception is not a good trait for a being that defines itself as good. Deception is based on untruth and manipulation. Neither of these traits are good, Therefore God is not deceptive.

If we accept the proof of these planets and stars which, as rational individuals, we must, then we Must accept also that God did not solely create Earth when God created the heavens and earth. Since God is not deceptive, these stars exist and so do the planets we have found. We should change the Bible to read "On the second day, God created the heavens and the earths." None of these other planets are specifically covered in Genesis.

The Bible is the word of God. I postulate then that the word of God my have been correct but the ears of Man were, and remain, flawed. If we have misheard God about the creation of the heavens and the earth then perhaps we have misheard God about all the rest of the junk in the Bible.

However, it could be argued that the stars and planets were all created at the same instant as the Earth and God just didn't find it necessary to tell us about them. If God told the (as yet unfound)inhabitants of these other planets that they were God's sole creation, then God would be lieing and there goes the whole foundation of Christianity. Thus, God must have told all the other people on all the other planets that humans were made in God's image and not the others. Unless they all look like us. But which us would these aliens look like?


Unknown said...

Given my non belief in the alien, I mean G#d, I got nothing. Stop by my place, bake-off winners were announced and there is real full on boobies pretty far down the page for you, baby love.

Chuckles said...


teh l4m3 said...

The aliens would look like James Dobson. It's simple, really.


Chuckles said...

Who the hell is James Dobson?

teh l4m3 said...

He's an alien.

Chuckles said...

I have to deal with these types some times for work. erg.

teh l4m3 said...

PS CHuckles, my last post was dedicated to you because of your kind endorsement. Just so you know, 'cos I'm putting some other piece of crap up before I head to my local Mega-Lo-Mart (Git 'r dun!! Hoo-eeey!)

Chuckles said...


Chuckles said...


Anonymous said...