Baywatch Hasselhoff![]() You are Baywatch Hasselhoff. You're up for running around on the beach with hotties, as well as tanning, smiling, and being as buff and sexy as being Hasselhoff will allow. You also like to think that you've actually saved a few lives as a lifeguard; but that's just the product of some other, far more sinister, psychological "quirk." Take this quiz at |
it is VERY cool in germany.
So am I.
It's getting so I can't even slip out for some knockwurst without my wurst getting mobbed.
Good grief!
Yes, those germans do love sausage. And Hasselhof.
AS evidenced by the excellent movie, Eurotrip.
so when is your album coming out in germany, chuckles?
and what kind of record would chuckles release if chuckles released records?
It would be bitchin'.
I would have wailing guitars, screaming saxophones, bass lines that would make chicks cream and a drummer that knew how to lay it all down.
And a hot chick for a singer. I would just sit there in my velvet tophat and tight, black pants and pour out my tortured soul through the mellow, but threatening tones of my saxophone while my hair flailed in the waves of power emitting from the speakers.
The objectification is getting out of hand over here, Chuck! Now behave yourself and stop refering to women as 'chicks'. hear he's making a rap album right?
Yeah Chuckles, broads hate being called chicks.
(Careful or AG will slap your other hand)
I am sooo staying out of this one.
Linny: I would be the worst rapper of all time. But Hasselhof as a rapper? Now that's comedy gold. GOLD, I tells ya!
Canuck, get a life! Don't tell people what I will or won't do. I don't slap you in the face, even though you deserve it. So, don't go around telling people what I will or won't do.
AG, that is all she wants to do all day. She just wants to tell everyone in the worl that she knows how they should live and they should do as she says. The jesusfreaks, especially the ones that don't understand him at all, think they are the only righteous people on the planet and that they are perfect. Yet, they throw stones like water.
Oh, good lord.
Chuckles must enjoy having his hands slapped -and here I thought I got him a "get out of hand-slapping free card" for the next time he calls a chick, a chick.
(You guys must be a hoot at parties.)
Chuck, I couldn't second your comments more. Not to be too generalizing, but I think most of Southeastern PA is exactly like that. Leave your hate and money at the collection plate and we'll save you and not those you hate, is the motto du jour there.
I am glad that Judaism is not about saving, it's not about "heaven" and it's not about recruiting others. It's nice to be part of the chosen few.
Thanks for a good laugh today.
"Don't tell people what I will or won't do. I don't slap you in the face, even though you deserve it."
this is yet another example of why i would want ag with me in a knife fight.
Oh yeah, PR.
She cut you. She cut you good!
Chuckles:She cut you. She cut you good!
Baahahahahahaha. Are you kidding me? She'd only slaps wrists. Unless the woman is pregant, then she'd cut her.
The one. The only.
i'm 'knight rider' hasselhoff. thanks for letting me find my inner H, chuckles
Always a pleasure, AIF.
I feel like Santa Claus.
I would just like to point out that the last comment made by me was really bitchy, and I'm sorry. It was a low-blow and simply, just not nice. AG, we may have different beliefs but I should not have said what I did. Sorry.
Pop, you know I always have your back. After we kicked some bad apples with the bartender from Kimo's,we'd hug it out and go for Starbucks lattes. I heart you and all "my boys" from the blogosphere.
YAY! AIF. I am so glad you've come by. Man, we totally love you here.
good cover, canuck. otherwise, i would expect a post from ag on the removal of yer testicles rather soon.
I bet AG is, like, totally tiny but feisty. I would totally let her be my Ninja Attack Chica, except for the whole UC thing.
If you put AG in a club with 47 angry latinas, who starts the first fight?
PR thinks I have balls, thanks! That is the best compliment...err..only compliment I have gotten from here.
Also, it really was just plain rude, so I did my part.
I have accorded you the respect you deserve as persons as persons.
I know you have, Chuckles; and for that, I thank you.
:) <----look a smiley face (I promise I won't tell any of your friends you made me smile.)
I have found the true source of AG's anger with Canuck!
They both want me hard! SCHWEET! I haven't had two chicks fighting over me in a few months, this should be fun.
I have found the true source of AG's anger with Canuck!
They both want me hard! SCHWEET! I haven't had two chicks fighting over me in a few months, this should be fun.
Chuckles, I didn't know you were funny!
(I almost spit water out onto my lap when I read that. :P)
Chuckie, oh you so don't know me!!! Now get over yourself. Plus, I tried to give you a woman and you were all Mr. Coy.
You tried to give me a woman?
You said that you might know someone who might possibly be thinking of moving to this area at some point in the future, but you need to check some shit. Christmas must be awesome at your house. I mean, Channukah.
I need to check the 411, but I think you politely declined. I can hook it up for you. Just say when.
I did politely decline. If you have friends that need to know people that is one thing, but if you are trying to set me, ask fulsome for advice before you do.
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