Thursday, September 20, 2007

People still care about the Da Vinci Code?

New book: Shredding The Da Vinci Code And Vindicating The Deity of Christ

Newport Beach, CA, Sept. 20, 2007 - Shredding The Da Vinci Code And Vindicating The Deity Of Christ by Francis De Souza, not only exposes Dan Brown's chicanery, but-as the title suggests, vindicates the deity of Christ in a manner that is compelling and uniquely different.

Newsflash, jackass: The Da Vinci Code was a work of FICTION. Fucking hell, all you dumb morons who insist on writing book after book about how the Da Vinci Code isn't true are the most gullible bunch of rubes I have never met. I am sick and tired of getting these stupid damn announcements in my work inbox. Nobody cares, cobag! It was a terrible book and an even worse movie, but only because the story was so damn boring and all the actors were asleep at the wheel. I would love to see a book blasting the Da Vinci Code for it's shitty prose and recycled plot twists, but NOOOO, all anyone cares about is the fact that A WORK OF FICTION claims that Jesus got busy with Mary Magdalene.

Why the hell aren't these same people writing endless essays about Philip K. Dick being wrong because there aren't any aliens in the Bible? Why aren't they publicizing books about Jack McDevitt's Academy novels? What the fuck is wrong with you idiots that this is what you dwell on years after the fad passed? There are actual fucking problems in the world that need urgent solutions, you fucking nitwits.



zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Maybe we'd be better off treating the DaVinci Code as a religious treatise, and the Bible as a novel.

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

How do you really feel, Chuckles?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, if a work of fiction can shake your faith, just how strong was your faith in the first place?

(granted, your faith may be faith in another likely work of fiction, but who is splitting hairs?)

It's about smiting infidels, stupid.

Kathleen said...
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Kathleen said...

it's ok Chuckles, his last book, published circa 2004 was Tearing up The Last Temptation of Christ and Resurrecting The Holiness of Christ

He has one address Harry Potter scheduled for release in 2010.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Geesh. I can see your panties knotted up from here.

Chuckles said...

What else can I say? I am a passionate man. Rather like the hero from all of Adorably Irrational Girlfriend's Harlequin romance novels.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Hate isn't pretty on some.

Shannon Erin said...

You chose to get passionate about Dan Brown. What does that say about you?

Chuckles said...

If I can get passionate about Dan Brown, think how passionate I could be about someone like you, sweetheart.

Snag said...

I'm writing endless essays about Philip K. Dick but they're mostly on napkins at this diner by my house and nobody reads them except this waitress I think she likes me she calls me Algernon sometimes except Algernon is a mouse.

Anonymous said...

i think the real rubes are the people who

a)buy this crap
b) buy it again a few years later when some other jackass decides that a dead horse needs beatin'

Chuckles said...

Snag is not a mouse, he is a lion.