mdhatter and I marched for peace on Saturday, September 15th. We yelled, we chanted, we waved our signs. We even participated in a die-in. We spotted some yellow elephants and shouted at them to enlist. One guy in the march asked me, "Hey, you're a big guy, why don't you go shut those fuckers up?" To which I responded, "Peace on all fronts, buddy." The 60-ish woman next to us said, "Right on, young man." It was a pretty cool event, even if Bush doesn't give a shit about our opinions or demands.
Here are some pictures of the yellow elephants in action:

And here we see a bus all decked out for protests:

Here is a night picture of the Washington Monument, a monument dedicated to someone else who wasn't content to let rampant imperialism control his life:

And a chili dog:

Chili dog to come as soon as Verizon stops sucking.
UPDATE: There it is!
Anti-protestors are funny.
Teh funny.
Good response to the violence. And from the older woman.
I love it!
I can't believe that Verizon is censoring photos of a chili dog.
Verizon said "Message sent!" Four frigging times before it finally showed up in my inbox. So that is the final straw, I am hacking my phone and setting the USB port to connect to my computer tonight. If Verizon wants to suck ass, then I am going to hack a way around those losers.
Standing up for morality and deliciousness, all in one post. Nice work, my friend.
Snag, you should have had the pork loin and burgers I made later that day. They were so good, your kids might have been quiet for 5 minutes.
Every post is better with a chili dog innit.
Still looks like shit on a bun!
Well, so does your mom but your dad still-
Anyone else wonder why the guy in the second picture didn't have a sign that said, "Peace Through War"? Let's just remove your false veneer, pal.
Figures the pic that turned out best is the wang-resemblin' Washington Monumnet.
Good for you for sticking it to Bush, not that he noticed. But we did.
Thanks, Kevin, but when you take 80 pictures of the the same thing you are bound to get lucky with one. I really, really suck with a camera, as I shall elaborate on later.
it was a good day.
Chuckles' running commentary about the leftie merchandisers WHO WERE EVERYWHERE was effing hillarious.
The revolution will be sold to you in bulk from China.
The revolution will be merchandised!
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