Monday, August 06, 2007

Overheard in Wisconsin at Live Earth

"I will support the environment and the green movement and all, but I am not giving up my half hour showers."

See this? Right here.

Look closely.

A little closer.


That's you not getting the point. There is no supporting the solution. There is only actual change and being part of the problem. If you aren't changing your behavior by conserving water, recycling, reusing and reducing, then you aren't doing any fucking good for anyone.


Kathleen said...

man, attending rock concerts isn't enough?

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Oh I totally re-use. I was naughty with Chuckles last girlfriend a few weeks ago.

Chuckles said...

I believe the phrase is sadly, no, Kathleen.

I thought something was up between you two, AG. You fucking tramp.

Snag said...

AG, the poster girl for recycling.

Kathleen said...

from Hemmingway to cabana boy.

Anonymous said...

and that dig was for...

Adorable Girlfriend said...

You fucking tramp.

Someone has his Mr. Tuckbag on, doesn't he.

You hug your mother with those fingers?

Chuckles said...

Well, would you kiss your mother with that mouth after what I witnessed at that incident? Jeezus, I don't even like that kind of pr0n, why would you do something like that?

It was sickening really. If I had been any drunker, I would have hurled more than just the once. I honestly thought that kink was just a rumor, but there you were, down in the trenches. Yikes. You need therapy, AG.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I recycle all my political posts.

I mean really, after 6 years of this bullshit, it's just lie-lie-lie-new press secretary-heinous legal bullshittery-lie-appalling fuckup-war-lie-more war - repeat.

so just find the appropriate posts, change the nouns, and bango!

No excuse why I can't update more often, really.

Not to say I wouldn't like to hear more of the AG pr0n.

Anonymous said...

I thought green movements were a sign you were sick.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Yikes. You need therapy, AG.

It's funny because your therapist said you would say that. Especially since you were crying out my window the other night and I had to report you (again) to the authorities.

Man, you need to get a stamp or coin collection or something.

Anonymous said...

I've had green movements, turns out it was the dark purple Gatorade™ to blame. I'm fully serious, freaked me right out.

Chuckles said...

My green movement were all funky and fibrous but that was because I was on a fruit fast. It was pretty wacky except for the lightheadedness caused by the lack of protein. Maybe I will correct that and do one in September after it cools off.

Anonymous said...

If you want shocking green movements try honeydew melon sorbet.