Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mix Tapes vs Mix CDs

Honestly? I never made a mix tape. Maybe it is easier to make a CD but so fucking what? Isn't it the thought that counts? That lesson, like so much else I was taught as a child, no longer translates to today. Too bad I am too stubborn to do anything but continue in my own way.

I am sitting in my apartment with a recently fixed but still buggy computer, some Hofbrau Maibock, the Silver Jews album "American Water" and a new pair of boxers.

The thing about Sisyphus, fulsome will probably get all fucking panty twisted for this one, is that Sisyphus won. He fucking won. I get it and maybe other people do, too, but that is fucking immaterial to my situation. It is also irrelevant. So is the materialness of the relevance. How could any revelation ever be material? That is like having your rebirth to the glorious majesty of Christ in a law office. I mean, judaic God is everywhere and all but that is really stretching the limit of credulity, not to mention faith.


Anonymous said...

I made mix tapes. Ahh, the 80's.

missyandchrissy said...

i can't believe you made it through junior high without ever making a mix tape! i didn't know that was possible.

Snag said...

I've seen some afterbirth in law offices, but nothing like you're talking about. You've got the new boxers going, though, so you're gold.

Chuckles said...

Yeah, new boxers are nice.

M&C, I didn't even buy an album until high school. I still buy them, though, which puts me in a strange position. Someday people will be ragging on the iconoclasts that persist in buying songs on plastic.