I have been asked, nay, threatened with "destruction" because of an earlier post I wrote about a certain famous conservative pundit. I have removed the post from the blog. I have copies in a safe place, should my legal counsel advise me that I am free and clear.
It is odd, but these blow ups do seem to happen on the weekends, don't they?
UPDATE INFORMATION 1/08/07: Upon further reflection and discussion with many persons both legal and humorous and some just humorous, I have reinstated the original post. Anyone offended by this action should just grow and get a sense of humor. Oh, and bite me, cobag.
And now, some videos:
Ooh snap chuckles, what did I say? WHAT DID I TELL YOU? THEY WILL COME FOR YOUR CHILDREN NEXT!!!
PS d00d what part of NSFW didn't you get? Ha ha krispy kreme...
I think Chuckles position can be correctly seen in this animated gif
This should get rather amusing as it develops or doesn't.
Chuckwagon is running from an emu, not an ostrich.
What is hilario is that teh l4m3 100% guessed that this would happen. He's magic!!11!
You do kind of sound like you are a cobag when you talk about "copies." You should have said "these copies will be mailed to major non-MSNBC news outlets, in case of my demise. Or is "major" redundant with "non-MSNBC"? Sadly, that would backfire on Olbermann as well, but when Keith comes into the store I bet he chillaxes.
hmm, best I could do without advanced emu motion capture technology.
What we really need to see now are the threatening communiqués...
word verif: curehxrt
Sadly, all communiques took place verbally and, how to say?, up in my grill.
The man is a bully and like sto threaten people while I am just a Genius and possessed of a most enormous wang. Tis but my lot in life.
Chuckles you should just apologize and then go for a frappacino or something. Listen, if the Genius is ever gonna roam the back alleys of power, the Genius is gonna learn how to make friends, or at least defuse enemies. If you don't want to wake up dead with a piano wire bowtie, you best be contrite.
This sounds ugly. "Destruction" sounds serious. What a douchebag.
Wimp! AG wouldn't back down. Guess AG now stands alone in the "No Shit Taking" category.
Chuckles, I would have wet myself if you had just said "you know, when you talk about destruction? Don't you know you can just count me out?"
I am meeting with some folks later today that should shed a little light on the situation.
Like I have said before, other than AG baiting with borderline jokes, I am basically a nice guy. I removed the post to show that I am better than the person in question. Should my legal advisors state that I am in no trouble and have no cause for alarm, I will repost it and hopefully all the previous comments will be reinstated. I will also add an update to the post detailing the incident. I am also working on a daily series titled, "The Fallacy of the Situation (Room)" that may require a separate website.
Next Wolf Blitzer will want your wang on a pike...
But do it anyway!
Please, if you didn't get hauled off for the White House stunt, you aren't getting hauled off on this one.
Where's Tuckinsky's Dancing With The Stars video. Ain't no blog post mo' embarassing than that.
I'm not too busy with the guys at S,N! to harass you too!
Hhmm... Sounds 'sif new your law firm used dad's lawyers an' guns to "earn" their law degree and blew the money on booze.
Glad to see the original is back up. "Waspish wife" not-with-standing, seems to me blow-tie boy could use a good, legal fucking.
Next Wolf Blitzer will want your wang on a pike...
Is that what the bbq in omgwtfbbq??? is for?
Happy New Year! Enjoy the hits!
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