Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Winter is Back and So Am I

I have returned to DC from my brief but thoroughly inebriated trip to San Francisco. I will always look back on this weekend as a fine time in my life in which I learned some Hebrew, drank some bacon infused bourbon, rolled my stomach in public, did not get beaten by three four and a half foot tall Latinos, hung out with friends, saw some sea lions living the awesome life, watched the Colts win and said some funny stuff that no one can quite clearly remember.

One thing I do remember saying was, "Ok, the next time you tell that story, end it with 'And then we made out.'"

I could have done without seeing the Colts win. I had managed to live through an entire season without seeing one second of football until we went into that bar. This bar (821 Bar on Divisadero across from the Little Star pizzeria) had really awesome $5 drinks and a sweet happy hour. One of the drinks tasted like Kool-Aid. So, I guess all the wingnuts were right about that.


Anonymous said...

AG is going to need to know about the Hebrew story.

Also, did you and Pop Star get together and not drink and dial AG?!!

Chuckles said...

Odan Olam, meshuggenah blogger person.

Anonymous said...

blue drinks taste like kool aid but sting like hornets, pizza is deep, delicious and so is the hostess, aquateen is funny but funnier when misquoted... move over, sanchez swiped my ID but it's broken... my package is huge, i remain outspoken... and then we made out.

Chuckles said...

On the moon, we blog 1.5 times longer because we are that much harder core. On the moon.

Snag said...

Bacon infused bourbon? Does that come with a sausage link stir-stick?

Chuckles said...

Not exactly. It does come with down-home-country-farm-real-

Anonymous said...

i dont even like bourbon, but would drink it because bacon is involved.


Anonymous said...

That is hardly Hebrew! You can learn that from watching a Woody Allen movie.

You don't think*...

Only the reporter and a certain zero can confirm this because only they know what the real deal was there. Chuckwagon cannot, will not and should not confirm.

Chuckles said...

You should perhaps complete a sentence before you run off to make another wild assumption about The Genius.

As it stands, I know the difference between Ladino and Yiddish.

Smartypants said...

Kool aid drinks don't sit well with me.

They are fruity and deceptive.

Chuckles said...

I like the deceptive aspect.

Ok, I like the fruity aspect as well, but in a totally no-homo way.

NotCarrie said...

I just realized I haven't seen any football this season. Hmmm...I like it all right, but I'm ok with that. Now tennis, that's another story.

Anonymous said...

You know Chuckwagon, AG was showing proper respect to her elders. She was also showing a new form in how she approaches things on this blog. You are so fucking welcome!

AG couldn't care less what you know in Yiddish, English, pig Latin or just plain male piggy-ness. The fact remains that one can learn more than enough Hebrew and all that a goy like you needs to know from a Woody Allen movie or watching on re-runs of Mad About You.

Zdayen li me ha-einaym

Snag said...

Holy crap, AG is on a rampage. Have a nosh, make up, soon it will be golden again.

Shalom out.

Allen said...

Best line in a Woody Allen movie:

Jew eat??

Lindsey said...

So there was no making out? Crap. What kind of trip is it if you're not getting at least a little play.... Maybe next time.

Chuckles said...

Adonai says relax!

teh l4m3 said...

Shalom, bitches!

Chuckleicious, you should move back to Cali.

Oh, and I am pointedly not clicking on any of Rubin's lynx.

PS Football? That's what you get for not hanging out at gay bars...

Anonymous said...

Chuck... How about a mayonnaise sandwich with extra bacon and cheese between two donuts? (bonus: deep fried in a beer batter shell, extra bbq sauce)

Chuckles said...

Mayonnaise is a clear sign of the Devil's influence on our dear benighted country. Rise up, sinners! Your time is at hand! Judgementah is upon all those who would use their hands for the Satansah work! Renounce thine genitalia and receive the blessing of Baby BBQ Jesus and the Holy Mustardah!

Anonymous said...

teh teh -- football is gay. It's a bunch of men bending over their well padded pretty asses while others stick their heads between their legs. Then they run around and jump on top of each other. And if they score a point they smack each other on the butt while hugging. Could it be anymore gay?

Chuckles said...

AG is a member of the patriarchy. She wants men to stop physically expressing their buddyhood.

AG should stop oppressing people.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Chuckles. If you can defend why the straight man's chorus is less gay than the gay man's chorus...AG will retract the foolsball statement.

Chuckles said...

They're the straight chorus.

Sums it up right there. Now stop being an opressive homophobe.