Monday, November 19, 2007

So Tuesday Was Bullshit Day, I Guess

I attended a memorial tea party for my father's pal and former roommate. The stories are a little muddled but they may have gone to law school together and they apparently got in more than one bar brawl during this period in their lives. My experiences with this man and my father make me extremely incredulous, but my father's reaction to our questions about the "St. Patrick's Day Massacre" was far too honest for it to be anything but true.

Regardless, I almost came close to being a little choked up listening to the stories and remembrances that people told about the gentleman deceased. So maybe I was totally off my rocker the other day. Maybe I do have a heart somewhere underneath, but I think it is just malfunctioning firmware.


Anonymous said...

i think 3 or 4 steaks medium rare should take care of that heart(existence) problem

Anonymous said...

Aw. I knew you had it in there somewhere! See, you are not cold and dead inside!

Chuckles said...

Erm, perhaps I meant Tuesday.

You are right, AIF, I should get to work on that.

Anonymous said...

I see the problem here. You have heart Vista installed, whereas you should consider downgrading back to heart XP.

Chuckles said...

Fuck that shit, UC, I am going back to Heart Binary.

Erm, that sounds a little too "loves me, loves me not" for my taste. Perhaps trinary? The third option would have to be permanently set to apathy.

Kathleen said...

the next step is a baby shower.

Chuckles reports, we decide!

Kathleen said...

men always say they want trinary. Boring!

Anonymous said...

Heart basic is the way to go:

10 For I=1 to 100
20 Don't be cold and dead inside
30 Next I
40 End

Chuckles said...

Kathleen, you say it's boring but have you ever tried it?

Anonymous said...

okay, okay, okay,

You are not cold and dead inside. You have a heart full of love and light.


Chuckles said...

No, I don't.

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. Your dad's friend sounds like a unique man and shared many great times with him.