Her costume is totally impractical unless she is about to engage in some fucked up monster sex or something and even then I have to ask why two of my hobbies have to be so unrelentingly objectifying in their depictions of female characters.

I'd still hit it.
Picture added for those who would prefer not to click the link. If anyone wants me to remove the picture, my email address is included in my profile.
That is about the most egregious example I've ever seen. It belongs on a pr0n site.
she might plan to smother him?
If she were...fully covered I might consider this a violent scene of action or something. As it is now, it looks more like a surprised response to an aggressive request for action.
I often wonder about this in video games and scifi/fantasy stuff. As a female fan, its really hard to think that my money counts for so little that I almost have to be willing to push aside my feminist gag response to this in order to be entertained.
So, are their any ideas on how we can actually change this problem so that it would be ok for her to still look kick-ass cool without being nearly naked?
Look at Dandorbium and his fancy words.
anonymous, I think it would be far easier for the industry to just strip the dudes than it would for most designers to imagine heroines that aren't dressed like strippers. They would probably go back to Rob E. Howard style artwork with Conan's Codpiece battling Leia's Metal Bikini.
Notable exceptions being Zoey from Firefly and...help me out here.
Don't watch it that much, but BSG seems to do a decent job.
BSG does have some great characters but they also throw around the pr0n a bit. It is almost equal opportunity pr0n, so at least there's that.
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