Yesterday, I took a walk and got pissed off. I walked by five people who were letting their nine dogs walk free and unleashed in a national park. This particular trail smelled like dogshit for its entire length. I nearly stepped in two turds and saw at least five before I stopped counting. There are signs at every entry point to this park detailing the regulations: no bikes, no unleashed pets, no littering. I did my civic duty and reminded each one of these selfish jackasses of the leash regs. I got a few "Thanks for reminding me." I responded with a "Thanks for breaking the law!" This shit pisses me off. The whole fucking trail smelled like dogshit. We have dog parks in DC for fucking reason. Take your fucking furry shit producers and let them defecate all over the dog park. Keep them on the fucking leash and clean up after them in the park, bitches.
I also walked by a synagogue displaying a Call to Conscience banner. Next to that banner was one that read "We support Israel in its struggle for peace and security." No contradiction there.
Lebanon is not a genocide nor is it intended to be.
That is all AG is going to say on this issue.
Oh yeah, effin' people and their effin' dogs!
Salem, MA, where I now live is as dog-friendly as any place I've ever been. And you know why this works? People clean up after their dogs. Very simple, very respectful of others and very easy.
Both issues are about respect.
From what I've seen in the GGNRA, people are very good about picking up after their dogs. Why is DC/MD so screwed up, anyway?
Oh, and IN RE: Netanyahu on Bill Maher last night: There's a reason he's not in office. I think most Israelis realize that when he says stuff like what he was saying, he's being disingenuous, that he's offering a false dichotomy; Israel has more than two choices, to be either a victim or a permanent aggressor. There are more choices than he lets on, the nutball...
Man, I wish I had HBO only. I wish I could get the internets, even.
Just the other day I watched a person let their dog crap in my yard. She walked away even though she knows I saw her.
Hezbollah needs to be contained by their mother nation. Israel is only partly at fault. Both Lebanon and Israel are great nations. I have visited both. It is not the people who are charmuta. The present leadership is dispicable. Just like Mel Gibson. It sounds like you are a Passion fan.
Perhaps you are mad about "the chosen people" slogan for Israelis. Just become a Jew and all will be well
dc: Why didn't you say something to her? I wouldn't let anyone get away with depositing canine fecal matter on my lawn.
Where the hell do you get the idea that I am a "Passion fan"? What are they smoking in Washington state these days?
The charmutas are all over the place, pal.
Re: owners of animals
It's not as if you poop in their yard or anything. I hate dog owners sometimes.
Yes, but Jessica -- you could!
I am just about at the point where I might follow some of these jerks home and poop in their yards or in front of their apartment doors.
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