Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Will The Fucking Wonders Ever CEASE?

Charlie Brown
You are Charlie Brown!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Gee flipping whiz. Goddam blockhead has been following me around for my whole fricking life. Chump


Lindsey said...

That was a good one!! i was Linus.

Anonymous said...

Is that another TKE?

Chuckles said...

That is my actual brother. Well, one of them, anyway. As for the total number of brothers I have, the exact amount remains shrouded in mystery.

Anonymous said...

I don't do boys with brothers. It never ends well for him.

Do you have any sisters?

Chuckles said...

Only sisters in law.

Chuckles said...
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Chuckles said...

WTF is up with blogger and the stupid repetitive postings?

Anonymous said...

Blogger hates you. He told me so.

Chuckles said...

Do you still hate me, my sweet, precious, vicious, strong, independent attack chica?

Anonymous said...

I am coming around. Did you sleep on the couch last night and think about the trash that came out of your mind and onto the blog with Brian Boi-bitch?

Chuckles said...

I don't own a couch so I flogged myself and carved an image of the virgin mary onto my penis, so that I will also remember my shame. Then, I drank half a bottle of nyquil to ease myself to sleep, curled under my warm blanket of remorse that I wove from hair collected from every ex girlfriend I have ever had. Someday, I will be able to look at myself in the mirror, but not soon. Not soon at all.

Anonymous said...

You are a mess man!

Anonymous said...

I can't live!
If living is without you!

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to ask. What do you mean you don't have a couch?

Air Supply, you hush. We'll put you right back in the shrink wrap with Journey and ship you to ole' The Uncanny One's.

Chuckles said...

I don't own a couch. I didn't think it was a complex sentence. I won some big chairs and I built a platform for my bed. I am a handy man, not a...candy man.

Well, you got caught with a flat,
Well, how bout that?

Anonymous said...

The couch is like the staple of bachelor living. What single, straight male doesn't own a couch? Both Jerry and Kramer had a couch... Perhaps it's you who braids Fulsome's hair and sings Rogers and Hammerstein tunes.

Chuckles said...

You haven't seen my bed yet. Then you would understand why I have no couch.

In my defense, Joey's apartment didn't have a couch until Rachel and baby moved in. I think. I can think too straight right now the dayquil is really kicking in. Joey 'porked lots of babes', to quote Bri-Bri Boi Biotch.

Chuckles said...

And I would just as soon kill Rogers and Frankenstein as look at them, to say nothing of listen to them.

Stop fucking around with the qurans and subject those poor gitmoed bastards to a few days of that and they'll tell you their whole gay infidel confession.