Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Too bad that we are forbidden from teaching proper condom use in sex education in public schools. If men used condoms without shame then there wouldn't be a need for most abortions, I'd bet. That doesn't mean that I agree at all with pro-lifers, just that we should step up to the plate, men, and admit that it takes a penis to inseminate someone. If every woman magically got pregnant every time she "opened her legs" there'd be babies everywhere. Yoga class would be a freaking maternity ward...

Anyway, to borrow a sentiment from Dr. Bitch, what you are truly objecting to, by objecting to abortion, is a woman's ability to make a moral decision. Clearly, you all seem to think that you know exactly how all women should act in any situation. However, given the juvenile nature of the comments and the post itself, I would hesitate to let you make a moral decision involving a jellyfish, let alone a human life.

Does this meet your exacting standards, AG?

Tomorrow: Either a discourse on Aristotelean Ethics or More Offensively Cute Pictures

Place your bets as to which will actually get posted now.


Anonymous said...

Chuckie, you are getting closer and closer to my heart!

I am a super extra happy girl today!!

Anonymous said...

No more cute! No more cute!

Also, you do make an assumption with the yoga comment, but I will let it go.

I want a wingnut festivus list...

Chuckles said...

Actually, according to Yoga Journal, more women than men are enrolling in youga classes all over the nation.

UPDATE: I have never read any data on the subject. I totally made that up to cover my ass.

REUPDATE: Wouldn't it be awesome if the administration would say soemthing like that after totally lying to everyone?

Anonymous said...

You are too cute today. Now stop and go take a nap or something.

Chuckles said...

I went back to work.

Chuckles said...

Snappy answers to stupid comments.

Anonymous said...

Fuckin' meat trio.

mickeyarthur said...

Educating men and women about this is a very important thing. As before my marriage, I have especially taken sessions from professionals to get the proper understanding of these sorts of issues. For which I have sideline my MBA and taken top coursework help online to spare extra time for preparing myself for the future.