Friday, December 16, 2005

A Bold New Offensive of CUTE!

Awww, look a baby animal lying on its back...could you get any cuter?

Golly! Apparently you can get cuter than a baby animal on its back!

Uh OH! Is this a hold up? Reach for the sky, Mr Winky!

Up Next: A Caption Contest!


fulsome said...

Um, are you just ripping off the icons from popular blogs?

The cat is @ Obsidian Wings and the dog was Res's icon for a while. Better hope he doesn't see this or you'll be in big trouble boyo.

Chuckles said...

I just went to google and put in "Cute pictures and went to the third or fourth site. They are from all over.

Still, if people get all mad, that is the point to this retarded exercise, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

You are sick. Sick!

Chuckles said...

Just you wait. It will only get infinitely worse.

In order to prepare you, although there can be no preparation that will save you, I also looked up pictures of apes...

Chuckles said...

I am so glad everyone at my office (all five of them) think that I do not want to talk to any of them outside of work. I never get sappy seasonal shit. Most of them don't even have my email address either.

Yosef: It's not like I hate puppies or anything, I just think the blogs that are solely pet masturbation fantasies are lame.

Lindsey said...

Those are so sweet! I'm sure that wasn't what you were going for though huh?

Chuckles said...

Nope, more like death from a-cute diabetes due saccarhine overload.

Anonymous said...

I hate cute. I hate its guts.

Chuckles said...

You are the first casualty in the blog war of cute.
AG is dead!
Long live AG!

Anonymous said...

Good. Does that mean I can get back to my real life outside of the blogging?

Chuckles said...

Fat chance.

I have registered you dead in the states of Massachussets and Wyoming, just in case you try running from the long, groping arm of the Chuckles

Anonymous said...

They cancel each other out in votes like Hawaii and Alaska. Good, I loved living in Hawaii and I shall go back.


Groping? I am not into being groped. I don't like men enough to like that.

Now, post something new. I am bored. I am gone for like 4 days and y'all packed up shop and no one has anything for me to read while I do jack all week at work.

Chuckles said...

Who is this Jack and how shall I kill him for invading my turf?!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had that to do at work given how bored I am. I do not like my little minnion puppet is out all week doing my dirty work.

I love having a minion. It's nice when you reach this point in the corporate ladder. It sucks climbing here though.

Chuckles said...

Are you a corporate rock whore?

Also: Nirvana was good.

Anonymous said...

I am no kind of whore. Do I sound like a whore?

Good grief!

Chuckles said...

I guess you don't remeber that.

We're all whores.
We are shameless. We will do anything for our fifteen minutes of fame.

Name that tune!

Anonymous said...

Nope. I already had my 15 minutes of fame. I was a famous baby. I have moved on with the whoring for attention. Though, I do get a lot of it unsolicited.


Chuckles said...

Just look at these past few weeks of comments for evidence.

Chuckles said...

Just look at these past few weeks of comments for evidence.

Anonymous said...

You need to get off the pipe or start sharing with the rest of us, dude.

When's Festivus this year? I've been a very good little Jewish girl and I want my Festivus!

Chuckles said...

I don't know what the deal is with the double comments, but Festivus is in my pants this year.

Anonymous said...

No, that's not a pole. It's not big enough and it's Norwegian, not Polish.


Chuckles said...

Ain't that the truth. Only room enough for two balls, too.