Thursday, June 18, 2009

Progress of Equality

Hopefully. DC appears to be about two months from recognizing same-sex marriage/gay marriage/civil unions/the same inalienable civil rights for all. This is pretty great. What isn't so great is the mobilization of church-based resources against this push for a semblance of equality. From what I understand, most of the resistance is again from the black community in DC, an irony lost on some less than others. I would link some articles and resources here, but alt-tabbing and hot linking doesn't really work so well on my phone. Maybe tomorrow.

DC may have a harder time actually permitting the rights to be exercised, however. Apparently, there is some sort of legal difference between recognizing marriages and permitting them. I guess these are all steps, but I still think that's a fine line of bullshit to spread. Here's to hoping that some conservative fucktard in Congress remembers that his constituents don't live in the District, his bigoted morals aren't welcome here, and keeps his hands off our home rule.


Mandos said...

Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Crackberry. Does VZ let you get rid of the stupid tagline? I got rid of my AT&T tagline posthaste.

Re: DC. Do you think it would even work? Doesn't it have to be approved by the Annoying People?

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Have faith, we're turning a corner in America.

Chuckles said...

I don't know yet if this would have to be approved by Congress. If it does, that is a great argument for some sort of state-hood because no other group of citizens are required to seek such approval. The Supreme Court is a different matter. I see Congressional approval for these sorts of decisions by the citizens and Council of DC as a violation of the separation of powers, mixing the responsibilities of the branches of government.

Chuckles said...

I will have to manually remove the taglines for the time being. Blogger also doesn't appreciate the punctuation a whole lot, either.

mdh said...

AG is exactly correct.

Mandos said...

You can probably log into the BB service web site and remove them, but again that depends on VZ's contract with RIM.