Friday, February 17, 2006

Why is Blogger Going Nuts?

Just because leaving blogger is so cool right now, I am sticking with it. Cuz I am so cool, I know how lame I am. That's how cool I am. I stick with it, I stay the course. I am just the kind of guy who would stay married in a horrible nightmare of a relationship, just for the remote control. So, even if blogger is beating me like a red headed starlet, I remain loyal. Blogger may treat me like some kind of weirdo that consistently votes for candidates whose only agenda is using and abusing the voters' trust, I stick with it. I may be locked out of my site like a senior trying to vote in Florida, but I stick with it. It wouldn't be prudent to just up and switch leaders when the one we have has only been screwing up for five years. Hell, he hasn't really hit his stride yet. Have you noticed that no matter how badly they do fuck up, the Republican base (corporations) always comes out ahead? Clearly, Republicans know how to help out their supporters, so we should trust them with more authority and completely rearrange our governmental structure to reflect that. Who better to lead us through these difficult times, than one man with unquestioned authority and vision? Let us not forget that these people, elected Republicans, are not in the business of helping anyone. Since, they don't want to help anyone, they are by far the most unpartisan of all parties. In fact, Republicans are so unpartisan, they don't even use the word party because it contains a section of the word partisan. They refer to themselves as "the ruling class". Thus, their whole idea that the market will sort minimum wage out because people will only work for the best paying companies. This is bullshit because we all know that the companies would do everything to preserve their bottom line which means wages everywhere would drop. There would be no decent employment except for the few in management and those poor saps would get lynched by the teeming hordes of the working class, just like the earliest days of the 20th century. Mass chaos, anarchy and stock market funny business all over again. Jesus H Christ, why can't people look at the results of the Republican agenda? They are destroying our rights, our country and our planet! Dogs and cats living together! Shit, man, the next thing you know, dogs and cats will be asking for marriage rights and that is just crazy. It is Stan and Dan, not Fluffy and Fido.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, whatever teh, I'd still bang Charisma Carpenter till the coming nuclear apocalypse even if she is a bitch.


Anonymous said...

Chuckles, this is the kind of post that wins you over with AG! I wish Res hadn't sold out. I wish he was stronger. Bolder. Less Pinko's bitch. What can you do?!

Anonymous said...

whoa chuckles. just whoa. blogger is owned by google, not the republican party.

btw, i totally agree about CC.

and AG, you will grow to love teh WP and you'll be like blogger? wtf is that?

Anonymous said...

I think AIF owns stock in WP.

fulsome said...

teh acronyms!

Chuckles said...

teh funny!

teh l4m3 said...

Really? I think she looks kinda haggy.

Straight boys, I tell ya... What're you gonna do?

Chuckles said...

Bone her.

That's what I'm gonna do.

We are still talking about CC and not AG, right?

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you:

1. Had to ask that.
2. You wish.

Stop by the blogger spot, Troy lost his job today and a word of encouragment might be nice.

Anonymous said...

if by own stock in you mean is obsessed with then yes, i do.

and teh, we str8 ones die for the vampiric brunettes, no matter how unrealistic of models they set for young girls at home

Anonymous said...

Why are you hating on blondes? Do we not love the cute little blue eyed blonde that is AG? You buys are so silly, except my teh teh. *He knows he'd hit on AG in a heartbeat even if she is super duper Str8, but not narrow.

*teh, we surely have the same taste in men. That has to count for something. :)

Chuckles said...

For a second there, I thought sally w was a lunatic posting some bizarre ass comments. Then I figured it out. She is AG in disguise!

Anonymous said...

AG, i'm from india... it's hardwired in my head that a brunette is teh hotttt

plus, it's hard to tell who's a real blonde till they pass the carpet-drapes test.

Anonymous said...


how is it that indian women are so beautiful. Like unbelievably so, and they aren't Western skinny, which makes them even more babe-alicious.

Anonymous said...

If I am going undercover sweet cheeks, it will be with a more exotic name than Sally W.

Good grief!

AIF, I understand but like UC, you need to diversify now and again. (Not that I want UC to find another AG, just that I give him a run for his Jewish money with having not been raised Jewish).

Lindsey said...

I don't know what the hell is going on with Blogger these days...all I do know is that it is sincererly pissing me off.

Chuckles said...

This is a record, I do believe. Four comments in a row by people other than me!

For everyone else, I submit this movie as evidence of the hotness of the Indian woman: Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love.
