Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Has anyone else noticed that at least half of the comments on this blog are by me? How lame is that? Can we get a quantification of the lamitude?


teh l4m3 said...

And the other half are from me. How lame am I?

Heidi the Hick said...

Looking good teh. I see you've lost some weight.

I have a bizarre compulsion to reply to every comment I get. I should take up a hobby. Oh wait, this is my hobby. Lame.

Chuckles said...

The other half are pretty evenly spread out between you and AG, teh. So, it's like I have to vaguely anonymous admirers which is always neat.

Heidi has yet to love the genius that is the Freelance, but she will. Just like everyone else, she will. Oh yes, she will.

Anonymous said...

Heidi, we love Heidi. Heidi, stop by RoD. We need song suggestions.

Chuckie, yep, tis true that AG is a poster. However, here's the question, which one of us, teh or me, secretly truly wants you?!

Chuckles said...

Both of you.

teh l4m3 said...

tag-team -- check it!

Chuckles said...

What a sandwhich!

Anonymous said...

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Chuckles said...

Deny it if you must, but we know he content of your heart.