Monday, February 06, 2006


In certain situations, I find this phrase hilarious. Especially the first one I heard it in:

Sister In Law: If you let your baby sleep on its stomach, it tends to die. In the medical profession, this is called Sub Optimal Baby Raising. Pretty much any child-rearing style that results in the death of said child is sub optimal.

I would laugh a lot more, if she didn't need to explain this to people in the ER all the time.


Anonymous said...

I don't know, for someone like Andrea Yates, this kind of optimal, sub optimal behavior may be ideal.

Chuckles said...

Who is Andrea Yates?

pop renaissance said...

fuckin' hell chuckles - do you google anything?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pop.

Gosh, I heart Pop because he has my back and gives Mr. GENIUS a kick-in-the backside when he deserves it!

Chuckles said...

What the hell is Google?

teh l4m3 said...

Elgoog, foolio.

Anyway, chuckles seems to have mastered what many college grads have: that being sweet to women is a sub-optimal path to getting laid.

pop renaissance said...

"Anyway, chuckles seems to have mastered what many college grads have: that being sweet to women is a sub-optimal path to getting laid."

and this is why the old lady and i adore teh.

Chuckles said...

Oh hellz yeah!