Thursday, February 02, 2006

Pop Ren Has Weird Taste in Music

Pop Ren likes Morrissey. I am not an appreciator of him nor The Smiths. I find Morrissey to be the musical equivalent of lunesta. My eyelids start to droop after three notes and if I don't manage to resist and change the channel, I am out. If I were to accidentally flip to the All Morrissey MTV channel the affect would be rather like the comfy chair episode of The Tick. I would never wake up until by some twist of fate and prophecy, a young maiden came and woke me up with a kiss. Of course, given my penchant for falling asleep on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, every airport anywhere, metro trains and buses, random beds (or perhaps, non-random) and even bookshelves, one would think that I require no sleep aids whatsoever. One would be right. I am just saying that Morrissey is boring. Seriously boring. Boring like a drill.


teh l4m3 said...

Yeah I wish Morrissey would just stop already.

Shhh...Don't let PopR see this...

Chuckles said...

Irish blu-huud,
English ha-hart...

How pedantic. I thought the english and the irish gave up fighting after Braveheart came out.

fulsome said...

snoring drill?

Chuckles said...

Hut tu tree foe!
Hut tu tree foe!
Hut tu tree foe!

Alright, you maggots, onna couna foe, we all gonna snore!

Snore foe yer country, you pusbags!

Anonymous said...

LUNESTA should be taken immediately before bedtime. Taking a sedative/hypnotic while still up and about may result in short-term memory impairment, hallucinations, impaired coordination, dizziness, and lightheadedness.

The same could be said for coffee shops, cupie-cakes.

pop renaissance said...

if you thought the irish and english gave up fighting, yer prolly neither irish or english.

morrissey is one of the last great pop stars, something i have a lot of time for. there is a need for good pop stars, literate ones at that, and no one can hold moz's jockstrap when it comes to witty reparte.

i also love the fact that he has continually grown musically, something most people avoid til no one's buying their records and they release the obligatory "look - here's our neil young/dylan record cos we're mature now." not a single one of his records, for better or worse, sound the same.


Chuckles said...

Looks like the PopRen baiting worked.

pop renaissance said...

oh, it works all right. i love this kind of shit.