Friday, February 24, 2006

Guys and Dolls

I can't stand musicals. I liked South Park, but even that was too much for me. There is one Spanish musical called The Other Side of the Bed which is awesome and everyone should go rent it now. Paz Vega is in it and if you don't know who she is and you are a straight man, you are missing out on something awesome: her breasts. They are rather similar to Jenny Agutter's in that they refuse to be caged by clothing. Whew. But I digress.

Girls are funny creatures. I have said it before and I will say it again and again in the future. No matter who they are with, girls are always with the wrong guy. Even if it's me. Especially if it is me. When teh l4m3 described me as the hero of an unwritten Francoise Sagan novel, that was pretty awesome. I am not calling myself a stud at all. I am anything but studly. Well, that's not true. I am pretty damn studly. It really comes down to understanding the way things work. Manipulation is a naughty word for some, but not necessarily for me. As a genius, I can grok this and many other concepts. The baboons and bonobos understand that being a certain sort of guy has advantages and being another sort of guy has advantages as well. The key is knowing which type of guy to be in all situations. Some people say that this is extremely false and some people definitely play it that way. I understand and accept who I am and thus am able to know my motives in almost all things. This is always important. Without self knowledge, there is only a paralyzing stagnation in the soul. So, in conclusion, being the kind of guy that is generally at ease in the world in all situations I say this: the ladies, they love me.


pop renaissance said...

jenny agutter - now i know why i love you, chuckles.

Anonymous said...

You wish. I hate you. GC and UC (he's sometimes like a guy) for sure hate you.

Get off the glue. I'm telling ya.

Chuckles said...

What the hell crawled up you today?

teh l4m3 said...

So... Tell us more about your voting purple glans.

Anonymous said...

It's more like what didm't crawl up me. I've had a long graduate school weekend filled with a lot of shite. You'll have to forgive me and I still have to drive home late tomorrow and go to Houston on Monday AM.

Chuckles said...

Purple Helmet Warrior stands proud and ready to attack all who come against him!

Anonymous said...

note to chuckles: be wary of anyone that suggests you watch an indian movie(regardless of language) because there is a song/dance with implied sex and beautiful women not quite naked but you'll wish they were every 15-20 minutes and you just might grow to tolerate musicals for that fact.

Chuckles said...

meh. I have seen more than enough classic Indian movies to last a while. Did you miss my Amitabh Bachchan reference a few weeks ago? Anyway, when I worked as a projectionist we participated in a few film fests. One of them was the pan asian film fest. We had all the Indian films and Bachchan came to the theater. It was like the freaking Beatles had come back to life or something.