Monday, October 26, 2009

Slackers and Perspective

Lately, I've become re-aware of a terrible new habit among my circle. We are all ignoring each other. We wrap ourselves up in our jobs, or our new relationships, and we drop of the face of the planet. I use the term re-aware because this seems to go in cycles.

I was guilty earlier in the year when I made the transition to working a shitty second-shift job with no set schedule. My friends and family worked fairly hard to keep in touch and I thank them for it. Now that I work a decent second-shift job with a set schedule, it is far easier for me to keep in touch, and even make plans!

Various friends have all been guilty at one or several times in the past, fulsome being the current reigning champ. This can get extremely disconcerting, and even discouraging, but you've got to remember that it frequently isn't personal. It';s hard enough to schedule time to meet when you live in the same city, and damn near impossible when you don't.

Patience and persistence are two important traits. Leave a message or two, appropriately spaced in time, maybe send an email or two, and let them contact you. The line to harassment can be easy to cross, so be patient.

For the wrapped-up, try not to be such a toolbag and spend five minutes responding with an email. A quick note fired off before that meeting, or the reality show of your choice, can mean a lot to the people you're choosing Deal or No Deal over. Don't get upset with your friends if they don't know every miniscule detail of your life either, after all you're the one who stopped returning their calls, asshole.


Pinko Punko said...


How many times have YOU been the slacker? You need to cork the snorkel.

Vonnie said...

I agree with this post. Whole heartedly.
We're all guilty of this.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

well, both Pinko and Chuckles came out to meet Zombies when the invasions happened in their respective cities, so I have to say both of them do pretty well....

I once heard someone say "we all are guilty of this". That as a smart person.

Pinko Punko said...

I tried to play good cop to bait fulsome. FAIL.

fulsome said...

fulsome is the victim of this victimless crime

Whatever shall I do with this lovely engraved invitation?

Chuckles said...

This was not all directed at fulsome, he was collateral damage. We all are guilty of this.

dontEATnachos said...

but mostly fulsome.