Monday, February 23, 2009

Binge Blogging?

Or binge drinking? Having done the latter rather a lot last week, maybe we can expect the former this week. Motivation often comes in the form of pretty women.


Adorable Girlfriend said...

This post is offensive to alcoholics and feminists.

You suck!

Word verification: datin

No lie!

Chuckles said...

Your word verification should have been hatin.

AG, you are not every woman and it is not all in you. This post is neither offensive to women or feminists, only your skewed concept of both.

In conclusion, I point my thumb at my nose and fan fingers, while also sticking out my tongue at you.

ginger-talk said...

can we get a photo representation of said thumb-on-nose-finger-fanning for greater effect?

maybe even an animated .gif?

Anonymous said...

I think we all know animated gifs are the spawn of satan. I instead vote for a Utube how-to video.

Brando said...

Motivation often comes in the form of pretty women.

Shouldn't the pretty women come first?

Jennifer said...

Shouldn't the pretty women come first?

Brando is a thoughtful man...

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Really Chuckles? It might be less offensive if your comment was sans the word pretty. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it still suggests that you or others rate women and only those in which you find appealing are worthy of motivation.

Snag said...

You say "binge" like it's a bad thing.

Chuckles said...

Well, DUH, AG. I didn't think I had to spell that out for you.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

You are a total asshat.

No. Really!