Friday, November 11, 2005

Hot Flash News!!!

I have a date with the twinkie tonight. I am not really sure that is the best way to identify her, but it is batter than posting her name and address for all you blogstalkers. Anywhoo, we are meeting in Dupont Circle and having a night on the town.

Then, tomorrow morning, I am making pancakes with my Dad in our house for the last time on a Saturday morning. My Dad made pancakes for us most Saturday mornings when we were growing up and lived with the rents. When I went off to boarding school at the government's insistence, that is what I missed most. Well, that and the help my Dad gave me with math. When I came for the various holidays and breaks, I would try to remember to buy maple syrup that the school made from the trees on the grounds. I will miss eating pancakes grilled on the stove in our house. I will miss the house my Dad built. Not just because he did most of the work and what he didn't do, his male relations did. I will miss the crazy orange tree from Africa that is really an Acacia variety and not an orange tree at all. I will miss the three inch thorns on that tree and how they could go all the way through your foot. I will miss the 2 inch diameter pseudo-oranges and miss throwing them into other yarsd and at cars. I will miss my Mom trying to talk to us from the basement when the washer and dryer were louder than her. I will miss mowing the lawn in 70% humidity and 90 degree heat. I will miss the wallpaper my Mom put in that makes itlook like old people live there. I will miss falling down the stairs and putting hy knee through the drywall and my Mom chewing me out about wrecking the wallpaper. I will be sad, but I will move on because that is life and one must put your best knee through the wallpaper.


teh l4m3 said...

Yeah, well Ted Danson taught me how to blackface, muthaf*ckah.

Chuckles said...

I thought Ted Danson taught us all how to look sexy with a perm and while standing next to Woody Harrelson.

pop renaissance said...

i don't think taking her to dad's for pancakes is a good idea for a date...

Lindsey said...

Poor Chuckles. That was a really nice piece. You made me almost want to cry. I'm glad you've got such awesome memories though.

Chuckles said...

popR: Yeah, I rethought that idea.

Linny: I took a couple of seedlings of the death tree and someday I plant them in my yard and they will grow spiky and mighty and my sons will fling them into my neighbors yards.

teh l4m3 said...

So, it's Monday. How was the date?!?!

Anonymous said...

Places can hold such an attachment... will you miss mowing that lawn on the 100% humidity 96 degree days? Or being on call at all hours on a weekend day for backbreaking child labor? How about carrying huge furniture down that narrow staircase?

Chuckles said...

You are such an effing pessimist. You were only ever asked to help my Dad with one project for half an hour. So what if it went horribly wrong and everything broke and he yelled and cursed? We have been laughing about it for years. It's not like we to help reshingle the roof like my older brothers and their friends. I have memories of certain similar events happening at your house, too. The beach house refrigerator? The Girl Scout Incidents? Moving your sister? Twice!