From Dictionary.com:
/ænˈtik/ [an-teek] adjective, noun, verb, -tiqued, -ti⋅quing.
1. of or belonging to the past; not modern.
2. dating from a period long ago: antique furniture.
3. noting or pertaining to automobiles approximately 25 years old or more.
4. in the tradition, fashion, or style of an earlier period; old-fashioned; antiquated.
5. of or belonging to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
6. (of paper) neither calendered nor coated and having a rough surface.
7. ancient.
/ˈdeɪli/ [dey-lee] adjective, noun, plural -lies, adverb
1. of, done, occurring, or issued each day or each weekday: daily attendance; a daily newspaper.
2. computed or measured by the day: daily quota; a daily wage.
3. a newspaper appearing each day or each weekday.
4. dailies, Movies . a series of hastily printed shots from the previous day's shooting, selected by the director to be viewed for possible inclusion in the final version of the film; rushes.
5. British .
a. a nonresident servant who comes to work every day; a permanently employed servant who sleeps out.
b. a person employed to do cleaning or other household work by the day.
6. every day; day by day: She phoned the hospital daily.
/ˌɪnkənˈsivəbəl/ [in-kuhn-see-vuh-buhl]
1. does not mean what you think it means.